Gdansk University of Physical Education and Sport was founded in 1969 and it is the only sports university in Pomerania where theoretical and practical classes are conducted by both recognized scientists and highly qualified specialists in the areas relevant to individual fields of study, as well as coaches of Olympic and national teams and outstanding athletes. The didactic offer of Gdansk University of Physical Education and Sport is modern, wide and varied. As part of the field of study, a student may choose a specialisation from a wide range of specialisations designed to meet the needs of the labour market and supplement it with other specialisations offered by the university. Student life flourishes at Gdansk University of Physical Education and Sport, and students can develop their passions and interests, among others, in research clubs, in the Student Self-Government Council, in the ASA GUPES Sports Club, or in the “Neptun” Folk Dance Ensemble. In the Perspektywy magazine ranking for 2019, GUPES placed 2nd among all sports universities in Poland; the field of Physiotherapy also ranked 2nd, and the field of Physical Education was recognised as the best one in Poland. The educational offer of GUPES includes: bachelor’s degree, master’s degree, PhD studies in the field of physical education, sport, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, tourism and hospitality, beauty science (cosmetology).