V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
Region: Eastern Europe
Country/Region: Ukraine
Found Year: 1804
Address: Maidan Svobody 4

University is one of the oldest universities in Eastern Europe.It was founded in November 1804, on the initiative of the prominent enlightener V.N. Karazin and in accordance with the Charter of Emperor Alexander I. The university has graduated about 150,000 students. Among the scholars and academics associated with theuniversity there are three Nobel Prize winners: Élie Metchnikoff (Medicine),Lev Landau (Physics), Simon Kuznets (Economics). At different times titles of Kharkiv University Honorary Members and Doctors were conferred on outstanding scholars and public figures of many countries, including Goethe, A. Humboldt, Tolstoy, Mendeleev and many others. In 1999, according to the decree of the President of Ukraine, Kharkiv State University gained the status of national university and was named in honor of its founder, Vasyl Karazin. Today the university has 20 Schools, 3 research institutes, library, botanical garden, 3 museums. It provides teaching for 14,000 undergraduate and graduate students, employs more than 300 Doctors of Sciences, full professors and about 800 PhDs. The University is one of the largest research centers in Ukraineand has more than 20 world famous scientific schools committed to intensive research. V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University is involved in intensive international colloboration and is an active member of the international community of the leading European and world universities. It cooperates with 140 partners from46 countries Together with other major European universities, in 1988 Kharkiv National University signed the Great University Charter. The University is a co-founder of the Eurasian University Association and is a member of the World and the European University Associations. The aim of the university is to fulfill its research potential, to get as close as possible to the basic characteristics of the world’s top universities. The university’s goals are as follows: - to improve the efficiency offundamental and applied research; - to provide for the high-quality education and a wide range of training programs with a special emphasis on advanced levels leading to the Doctor of Sciences, PhD and Master degrees; - to encourage further integration into the European and world educational space; - to renovate research and educational equipment alongside with the social infrastructure development. The means to achieve the main goal include: further democratization of university life; modernization of the university management; maintaining the balance between experienced and younger teachers and researchers; concentration of university resources in the spheres that contribute to the achievement of the main development goal; university participation in the establishment of inter-regional, inter-departmental production-technological and research-technological clusters embracing the overwhelming part of economics, in particular, in industry (new materials, alternative sources of energy, engineering, fuel and energy, aerospace and bio-medical spheres); active partnership with foreign universities, research and industrial organizations and companies.

Key Statistics
Total Enrollment
International Students
Undergraduate Enrollment
International Students
Graduate Enrollment
International Students